Professor Zoulim selected as Highly Cited Researcher 2024
Fabien Zoulim, ranked HCR 2024 by Clarivate as one of the world’s most cited researchers.

Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers (HCR) ranking distinguishes researchers whose work has made a significant impact on the international scientific community, based on the number of citations their publications receive.
The Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire (IHU) Everest is pleased to announce that Prof. Fabien Zoulim, Director of the IHU Everest and a world-renowned expert in the field of liver diseases, has been recognized as one of the world’s most influential researchers in the prestigious Clarivate 2024 HCR ranking.
This recognition highlights Prof. Fabien Zoulim’s major contributions to the understanding, treatment and innovation of liver disease.
In recent years, Prof. Fabien Zoulim has initiated various national and international programs to federate research aimed at curing hepatitis B, via the ANRS HBV cure program, the European IP-cure-B project he coordinates, and the International Coalition for the Eradication of Hepatitis B Virus (ICE-HBV).
The HCR Clarivate 2024 ranking confirms the leading position of Prof. Fabien Zoulim and the Everest IHU in the global landscape of medical research into liver diseases.