Monday, February 3rd 2025
IHU Everest is organizing a Symposium on liver organoids and 3D ex-vivo models.
This event will be held on Monday, February 3rd 2025, at CarMeN laboratory, on the Lyon-Sud hospital site (CENS-ELI building).
Registration is free but mandatory by following this link.
Getting there is now really easy: take Metro B, station “Saint-Genis-Laval, Hôpital Lyon Sud”
Welcome and opening at 9:00
Session 1 Talks from 9:15 to 12:30 : PCLS, spheroïds, iPSCs, liver organoïds…
Lunch break
Session 2 Talks from 14:00 to 16:00 : microsystems, murine organoïds murins, PCLS, 3D printing…